Reasons for Massage

In today’s modern world people seek out massage for many different reasons.


Overall wellness - Clients often find that massage fits well into their plan for overall health. They recognize the benefit of keeping their musculoskeletal system, nervous system and immune system healthy.  They find that regular massage can help prevent injuries, pain and illness, and maintains or improves performance in daily activities, sports, recreation, and hobbies.


Recovery from an injury or surgery - orthopedic massage is a very effective way to treat injuries. The injury may have occurred recently or long ago, on a sports field or due to trauma, it may have started mildly but became severe over time. Some injuries require surgery. It is becoming more common today for doctors to recommend massage before surgery and after surgery. Massage before surgery can help prepare the soft tissue. Massage after surgery can help mobilize soft tissue that has had little or limited motion. Massage can also help reduce fascial adhesions that have occurred due to immobilization or excess scar tissue, with the goal of helping the body return to its previous level of function.

Relaxation and psychological well being – Research shows that massage has a calming effect on the body. Regular massage can help to manage the symptoms of depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress syndrome, fatigue and insomnia. Relaxation is an important component of any massage because as the mind and body relaxes it is easier for the massage therapist work into the muscles. A relaxing massage allows the body to be flooded with feel good hormones including serotonin and oxytocin.


Relief of chronic pain and stress patterns – Many of us have long term postural habits that lead to chronic pain and tension patterns. This is common in today’s technological age. We spend hours working at a desk, using laptops, ipads, texting and playing electronic games. It is a fast paced world where many of us are expected to spend significant amounts of time traveling in cars or planes.


Symptom management for medical Conditions – Many people with a variety of different health conditions find massage helpful in managing their symptoms. Some of these conditions include cancer, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, and AIDS.

Massage for infants, children and teens – This area of massage may seem unusual to some, and given the history of touch in our country this is not surprising. Studies have shown that the United States is one of the lowest touch societies in the world. Hopefully this will change because the research is unequivocal. Babies who receive regular massage form a primary caregiver show reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol, they tend to sleep longer and deeper, cry less, and gain weight faster. You can learn massage strokes to ease common infant discomforts such as colic, teething and congestion.


In children massage has been shown to increase focus, increase concentration and decrease aggression. Additionally, massage can help manage the symptoms of many conditions such as Asthma, ADHD, Autism, Cancer, Cystic Fibrosis, Cerebral Palsy,
Diabetes, Dermatitis and Down Syndrome. In healthy and well children and teens, massage can be helpful before and after stressful events such as surgeries, medical procedures including blood work and immunizations, and school tests.


Children and teens can also benefit in many of the same ways that adults benefit. Massage can help them maintain a healthy body, recover from injuries, and manage emotional stress. Many children and teens are involved in competitive sports 12 months a year. This can stress their growing musculoskeletal system and lead to life long postural compensations. Children going through growth spurts often experience joint pain because their bones are growing faster than their muscles and fascia can stretch. This can lead to conditions such as Osgood-Schlatter disease and scoliosis. Massage and myofascial release can help alleviate symptoms, and sometimes correct the underlying imbalance.

Questions About Our Treatments?

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